It is true that the most important work in the world is done without a salary. When a mother staying at home cooks meals, washes dishes or changes diapers, she is in charge of another human being's well-being and future.
And an education is not about job training, or knowledge teaching. An education is the building of the soul.
与朋友聊天, 我们都为自己感到自豪. 我们为了孩子的健康, 为了孩子的成长, 所付出的努力, 会让孩子受益终生. 我们的孩子又会把他们得到的珍贵的东西传递给将来他们的孩子. 这是比挣多少钱, 做多高的官都要有价值的.
我很高兴, 孩子在健康地长大. 我很高兴, 在她的成长过程中我一直没有离开. 我也很高兴, 我的努力已经有了可喜的成果, 她是那么优秀, 快乐和健康.