Friday, August 17, 2012

There Are No Accidents

What a neat and wonderful story, the Kunfu Panda!I watched Part I last night, one more time.

There are no accidents. 师傅和熊猫第一次在武士圣殿见面, 师傅就把从不传弟子的五溪指功,显示给熊猫,虽然出于无意。结果,就是这个绝活,把太郎彻底打败。

乌龟在说,"Your mind is like this water. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear." 回首看,当我们忙着考试、拿学位,我们模糊了自己的理想爱好,甚至走在了错误的路上。或者是,工作、升职,却忘了想一下,所做的是否有价值和意义。或者是,结婚成家,却忘了自己保护自己,甚至忽视了自己要的到底是什么。只有静下心来,抛开世俗杂念,the answer becomes clear.

虽然太郎是个坏蛋,但是,他逃脱的那个过程,甚是精彩。在武艺的层面,他是很聪明的。太郎的配音,也是非常棒,尤其那个拳头一扬,“Our battle will be legendary.”那个legendary的调调,把个缺心眼的太郎展现无遗。在道的层面,他是逆行的。So, finally he was defeated.

There is no secret ingredient. To make something special you just have to believe it's special. 大道的方向,是光明的;信念的力量,是潜力无穷的。这也是为什么熊猫打败了强大的对手。熊猫,憨憨的外表下,还是有一颗悟性的心。

在第二部里,inner peace, 又赋予他驾驭身体之气、宇宙之气的能力

Friday, August 10, 2012

Inner Peace/ Kungfu Panda

I have seen the movie Kungfu Panda many times. I watched it first at a cinema. I fell in love right away with the story and those little humors.

I then watched them at home, again and again. There are many sections I am very fond of.

1. When Shifu tells Po about inner peace.

"Every master finds his path to inner peace, some choose to meditate for 50 years, in a cave just like this, without the * taste of food or water. Some choose suffering, as I did... It was the worst, most painful, mind-destroying horrible moment I have ever experienced. But once I realized the problem was not you but within me, I found inner peace, I was able to harness the flow of the universe."

That is very meaningful. I think I have found mine, although not quite the same as Po or Shifu's.

2. When Dad Goose gets Po's travel bag, the food, vegetables, cookies, and the action figures. I love when Po's eyes looking from his favorite things to his friends' direction. That is wonderful animation that was done.

3. When Po's mother left him in a radish basket, her eyes full of tears. That is the most sad moment.

4. The old goat says, "Your story may not have a such happy beginning, but that doesn't make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be. So who are you, panda?"

Yes, it is who we choose to be.

5. When Po hits back all the firing metal balls. That is beautiful. And even when the peacock is defeated, Po is telling him to let go the past. He is such a good-hearted panda. There is no revenge, no hatred. That is one of the best parts I like very much.

There are so many that I can't tell them all.