Wednesday, December 28, 2005

a book, Democracy in America

I read the book Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville(1805--1859).It is online.

It's interesting compared with what is going on here. As I read it, what attracts me is how people think and act. I pay attention to the spirits and views of ordinary people, rather than political events. I like to see the world through ordinary things. This book provides an angle and some examples.

I realized long time ago that democracy is not just about a regime or social system. Democracy is the attitude of people. It is how we see the world and ourselves. It is self-respect and respect for others. Democracy resides in our own heart, and guides our behavors.

Equality is at the core. Just like the author writes, "equality of condition is the fundamental fact from which all others seem to be derived...".

Sadly, most people in our society haven't realized the value of equality. They think of themselves as being either superior or inferior. It is totally the outcome of being misguided.

Things are changing rapidly here, along a different track, or more precisely no track at all. No one can tell what will happen next. I guess if one day we finally obtain the dream of democracy, most likely it is very different from that of other countries. We have so heavy burdens on our back, from the past thousands of years.


快乐创作 said...

happy new year to you

Daniel said...

I would say it is probably interesting compared to what is going on in the U.S. today.The president is breaking laws to spy on Citizens. The President and his administration lies to take the country to war.Christianity is almost a government sponsored religion, which is forbidden by the Constitution.Elections have very questionable results with no way to audit or verify the vote. It\'s all very troubling.

Andrea said...

I was thinking that it would be great to meet and discuss what is happening and has happened in our respective countries.I found a book in the public library written by a Chinese who grew up in France. It is a mystery. I have just read a few pages and like the style of writing. It is translated from the French.

Sue said...

Hi. I just found you through Andrea (Mood Space). Your blog looks interesting, so I plan to return. I have to disagree with Beancurd (below)--on every point. I guess we in the US all get our information from the media--which has a definite liberal and democratic slant. Sue

Thot said... IS an have understood something most dont...very astute of you...

Patricia said...

That is the best description of democracy I have ever read...You have a wonderful understanding...I love how you have phrased it...