Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Last week we put some seeds in moist soil! Cosmos, sunflowers, and 4 o’clock seeds. It would be special our little place beside the window looks like a field.

The cosmos came out first, then the sunflowers'. Delicate and cute little things! I just can’t wait till they bloom! Yuan will have a chance to observe how sunflowers turn with the sun!


Barbara said...

Nice assortment. I\'m especially fond of cosmos.

Thot said...

i love the HUGE sunflowers...a lot more than those found by the side of the is a weed...the other a producer of sunflower seeds...which I love to eat...

Andrea said...

I love flowers!!  I had a couple of sunflowers early that the birds "planted".  One sprouted a huge sunflower!

Patricia said...

I have sunflowers...some I planted, others are volunteers from feeding the birds...also cosmos...they come up as volunteers, too, but I planted some...and also have four o\'clocks...can\'t wait till they is your garden doing?