Monday, April 06, 2009

野三坡 - 十渡

长周末, 我和女儿去了野三坡和十渡.

过去的一年, 我经历了很多, 也成长了很多. 最大的收获, 是我懂得了珍惜 - 珍惜亲人, 珍惜自己, 也珍惜每一天. 如果是以前, 我会为风景的不完美感到失望, 我会为那些人工的建筑破坏了景致而惋惜. 现在, 我坦然的接受. 我看到美的一面, 我呼吸新鲜的空气, 我享受温暖的阳光, 我珍惜和孩子相处的分分秒秒. 也许, 我的成长是从空中楼阁踏到稳固的地面上, 但我不会与自己的原则妥协. That is, I will always be true to my heart.

We went hiking in the canyon first day, along the long loop trail. We spent the second day at 十渡. We walked into a village, where all the houses were built at one side of the mountain. It was the first time I had been in a real mountainous village. Dogs were barking in the distance. Chicken were chucking and sheep bleating. The village was peaceful and tidy.

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