Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gorgeous Xiling Mountain, Saturday August 22

秀美的西灵, August 22

The journey to Xiling Mountain was quite long. It seemed forever that our minibus steered along the winding mountain road. Three and a half hours later we were finally at the foot of the mountain.
去西灵的路很漫长, 全部是弯曲的山路, 好在我们的司机技术娴熟. 三个半小时后我们到达了山脚下.

Soon we were in a forest of white birch trees. It felt very comfortable that our feet stepped on soft and loose soil.
开始上山. 很长的时间, 我们都是穿行在白桦林里的小径上.

Often we saw mushrooms growing from under the trees.
脚下的泥土松软, 不时能看到有蘑菇长在路边树下.

This one happened to be growing on the trail and was knocked down accidently.
这一个长在小路上了, 不小心被人碰倒了.

We entered a wood of red birch trees as we ascended. And then, firs (杉树) covered the mountainsides near the top. Look at these lovely fir cones.
再上升, 是红桦林. 快到山顶时, 我们就穿行在杉树林里了.

抬眼看, 白云团团, 漂浮在洁净湛蓝的天空, 映衬着青青挺拔的杉树. 心情好多了.

Still, high mountain meadows were on the mountain top. This season the meadows were bursting with all kinds of flowers.
鞍部和山顶, 照例是高山草甸. 这个季节的花儿在竞相盛开. 由于昼夜温差的加大, 草叶的顶部已经开始变色. 秋天在临近.

Xiling, it is like a paradise to me.


D. said...

Hello Hong
Thanks for the tour. you are an excellent guide as always. And a good photographer.I enjoyed them all. It was almost like being there : )
Hope all is well with you.

Clan MacAulay WV said...

A nice trip to the the birch trees...I have some birch trees in my yard, quite tall now...

Clan MacAulay WV said...

no, not fat at all...not at all!...